January 26, 2021

Antenuptual agreement – what happens when you marry without one?

Love is in the air, perfumed with the scent of prosperity and joy and bound together in sterling silver and gold. Till death do us part […]
January 26, 2021

Mandela in moments

The diplomatic Nelson, the revolutionary Rolihlahla, the regal Dalibunga. Mandela was more than just a linear depiction of a leader; his personality spread out in streaks […]
January 26, 2021

Domestic woes, can your once a week helper take you to the CCMA?

Your working hours are becoming longer, you’ve set your sights on a new position that promises many financial benefits since your son has his sights on […]
May 8, 2017

Jacob the ruler, Do we still live in a democratic country?

dic·ta·tor·ship dikˈtādərˌSHip,ˈdiktādərˌSHip/ noun noun: dictatorship government by a dictator . Brief, succinct, clear, defined, a term that interpolates the rigid rhetoric espoused by the gauntlet missions of […]
April 28, 2017

Human Rights as Stipulated in Constitution

Our constitution contains a lot of rights as individuals. In fact, our constitution is very unique compared to those of other countries. But how can we […]
April 13, 2017

When Children Sue Parents

Strange, but true. A child can sue their his/her parents once they are of legitimate age (18 in South Africa). There are quite a few examples […]
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